Saturday, April 2, 2011

"Wolves at the Door," now published online!

We've just learned that Zahir Tales No. 26 is now posted online.  Ann's story, "Wolves at the Door" is among the excellent speculative fiction there. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

Winter 2011 News

It's been an eventful season.  Two of Ann's pieces of speculative fiction, "Rosemary, for Remembrance" and "Wolves at the Door" have booth been picked up for 2011, which is a sign of the excitement generated about her slipstream and fairy tale work.

Also, her story "Proof of a Candid Wedding Photo, 1969" in Hot Metal Bridge has earned some accolades, as it has been nominate both for Dzanc Books' "Best of the Web" Anthology and a Pushcart Prize.

Also, her story, "In Search of a Smaller Bar Scene" has gotten a nice write-up in the write up of the 2010 issue of The Evansville Review.

And finally, check out her most recent piece of flash fiction, "Boys," which appears in the Micrografitti project at The Owls.  

Bam.  Right between the eyes.